Big Boobs Sex Stories
“I want to get my boobs enhanced,” my lovely wife of a 30 years said one quiet evening while we were still sitting at the table finishing a supper I had prepared.
“Enhanced?” I asked.
“You know, a little bigger, firmer, take the sag away,” she said this holding her hands under her breasts, cradling them, lifting them up and letting them fall into the grip of her bra.
“I like your breasts the way they are. They don’t need to be bigger. They are nice and soft to touch and kiss and after having kids, breasts do tend to sag, especially at our age. How many Mumbai ladies do you know that have had breast enhancement?” I said thinking it would appease her, make her question the sanity of this thing and get the silly notion out of her head.
“I really do want to do this. Get them fixed up, I mean” she said solemnly.
Shaking my head in lack of understanding, “So who gave you this idea?”
“No one, but just look at Ratna and Shanti, look what their tits. Look at Ratna’s since she had the work done,” she defended her position.
“That was because of her breast cancer wasn’t it?” I asked.
“Yes it was, but you know how saggy her breasts were before they removed them,” Priya said.
“How did they do that. Was the plastic surgeon at Lilavati when they removed the cancerous tissue? And she didn’t have to have the double mastectomy only the one side, right?” I asked.
“You’re right. She only had to have one removed. But the plastic surgeon assisted the oncology surgeon and they were able to save the outer skin so the plastic surgeon just filled it up,” she continued. “But look how much better Ratna thinks she looks now. You even like to touch them when she shows them off. I want that.”
“I’ll touch you now. As a matter of fact I’ll play with your beautiful breasts forever and you don’t have to get cut up to get me to feel you up,” I smiled.
“That’s not what I mean,” my lovely wife said. “I want bigger tits. I want firm big boobs that won’t need a bra. I want you to be able to play with some nice firm, young looking breasts that I’ll be proud of.”
Priya continued her tirade, “I think I want big ones like Shanti has now. You know how much better she looks since she had the procedure. You love those huge things she teases you guys with,” Priya pouted.
There was period of silence. I was thinking of my wife of many years being cut on for no reason. But then it may make her feel better about herself. She did exercise regularly and she wasn’t fat. Very nicely padded I thought. Her tits did sag but then what ladies didn’t if they have had a bunch of kids and were over sixty. That damn Ratna was always talking Priya into stuff. It didn’t that help her life long best friend, Shanti, had recently produced two very nice, very firm, very large breasts where her formerly large saggy tits used to be. This was just another adventure Priya wanted to do with Shanti and Ratna. Oh well, I guess I had better find out more about this.
“So when do you want to do this. Have you given it that much thought?” I asked.
We had cleared and washed the table and were hand washing the dishes as we usually did the dishes together instead of using the idle dishwasher. The act of doing the chore together always gave us some togetherness and an opportunity to talk.
“I had to take Ratna to the plastic surgeon last week. While I was there Ratna asked him to look at me for enhancement. He did and even gave me a computer picture of me after he would fix me,” Priya said. “Want to see them?”
“I see,” I said thinking that she had already made up her mind. “Let me see the pictures.”
Priya went to the desk there in the kitchen and brought to the table a large brown envelope that had been leaning on papers next to the phone and kitchen. She showed me two different pictures of a frontal view, one with pretty big tits and one with really big tits. Both were obviously Priya as she has a cherry birthmark on the inside of her of right breast. The cherry showed up clearly in each photo. Next were the side views of the two sizes of breasts from the right side then a set of photos of the view from the left side. Yummy looking.
Priya was looking at me with a worry frown. Her eyebrows knitted together, “What do you think.”
“The breasts in these pictures look like fun to play with,” I said with a smile.
“You wouldn’t be able to play with them for about two weeks I think. It does take time to heal,” she said.
“So which of these do you want to have?” I asked separating the two frontal photos.
“I don’t know,” Priya said. “The smaller ones would actually be about the size my breasts were when I was pregnant or just gave birth. I always thought I was really sexy then. But I was fat and had to lose a lot of weight. The weight came off and so did most of my tits.”
I had gone back to drying and putting away the dishes that were in the dish rack.
“So you like the smaller ones best?” I asked trying to find out what she wanted.
“The big ones would be fun. I could do things with them I couldn’t do even when I was as big as the other ones,” ahe said.
“Like what?” I asked. “What could you do with the big ones you couldn’t do with the largest you’ve been.”
Priya had finished washing all the dishes and had let the water out, dried her hands and was putting on some hand cream she kept in the kitchen.
“You could fuck me between my tits then,” she said a little dreamily. “Remember how we tried that so many times. Between all the milk squirting all over the place and the size you are, I could never wrap myself completely around you. With those big ones I could do it.”
“What else?” I asked adjusting my inflating dick thinking of the fun times we had when she was nursing.
“When I sit on you, they would be big enough to lean over and stuff them into your mouth,” She said wiggling a little, glancing at my tightening zipper.
“There is that,” I said thinking of the scene she was describing.
“And you know how I feel. I would be more forward at the parties if I looked nicer. Bigger tits would be attractive on me. They would give me confidence,” she said almost bashfully.
“I see,” Thinking of how so many guys sought her out already when we did play at the various group parties we attended with our friends.
“You, Shanti and Ratna are already the most popular ladies at any of the parties we go to,” I said warily. “The three of you monopolize all the guys, especially the younger ones. How much more popular do you want to be? Anymore and I will have to get you two one of those ‘take a number’ machines.”
We were now sitting at the table looking at the pictures, “So when do you want to get these huge bozooms to tantalize me with,” I asked.
She had a quick answer, “The doctor said if I was able to tell him tomorrow, he could do the procedure Monday morning.”
“Geez! That’s pretty quick isn’t it? Don’t you want to think about it a little while?” I pondered.
There was a knock on the kitchen door. No one used our front door as the back porch was closest to the area where cars parked when people visited. I went to the door and could see that it was the two ladies we had been talking about. I opened the door for them.
Ratna and Shanti came in. Ratna gave me a hug and quick kiss, smashing her new tits into my chest. She did look good considering the scare she had given us. Even her hair was grown out now. I could feel her nipples through my T-shirt and her dress that happened to be open a little far showing off some nice cleavage. Shanti, not to be outdone, wrapped her arms around me and gave me a toe-curling kiss pressing her giant breasts into me. She was almost laughing at me when she unwound from me as I was almost panting and was obviously excited from the kisses.
“Down boy,” Shanti said reaching down to tweak my growth that was showing due to the attention.
“You’re so bad Shanti,” Priya said.
“What did he say?” Asked Ratna.
“We’re not that far yet Ratna,” Priya said. “Why are you guys here when you knew Anish and I were going to be talking about the enhancement tonight.”
“Support,” said Shanti.
“Moral Support,” said Ratna as she was looking at the photos laid out on the table.
“Wish he would have given me those big ones when he fixed me,” Ratna said. “He said I may not have enough skin to put in the giant ones like that. Damn I would look good with those.”
“You’re too thin for any bigger Ratna,” I said.
“Shanti has big ones,” Ratna defended.
“Yeah but Shanti has always had big ones and she does have some meat on her bones. She’s bigger than you,” I said.
“Are you saying I’m fat Anish?” Shanti pouted with her hands on her hips.
“No way Shanti. You look great. Your size is perfect for you,” I said quickly hoping my foot wasn’t to deeply embedded in my mouth.
“So what size should Priya get Anish?” Shanti asked.
“I think I want the big ones like you have Shanti,” Priya said.
“Just what I need. Another big titted over the hill slut to steal all the guys,” Ratna lamented.
“Get real Ratna,” Priya said. “You’ve had guys drooling over you all your life. Want me to try to list them since you were about thirteen? If you didn’t take a break every once in a while, Shanti and I would never get any.”
“No shit,” whined Shanti, “you get ’em so wound up, they cum all over you and then the rest of us have to work on them to get them up to play with us.”
“You snooze, you lose. I like to get started early that’s all. The guys always seem to be ready so I just edge them on,” Ratna proclaimed proudly.
“I think I’ll go check my email,” I said thinking that this conversation was fun but not for me.
“Oh no you don’t,” Priya said. “You have to help me decide what size. That’s what Shanti and Ratna are here for.”
“How are they going to help you decide on size?” I asked.
“We’re going to help the both of you decide,” said Ratna unbuttoning her dress while Shanti took hold of the bottom of T-shirt with crossed arms and pulled it over her head.
When Ratna finished with the buttons, she just shrugged her shoulders and “presto chango” she was standing there naked with feet spread, fists on her hips and her breasts pushed out.
Walla! Two nice sets of breasts. The shorter, skinnier Ratna with some perky C+ nice ones and then Shanti with D’s or E’s or whatever bountiful size they were. The interest behind my zipper was showing again. I turned to Priya who had also pulled off her T-shirt and bra. She was cradling her breasts in her hands offering them to me.
The three ladies stood in a row. Ratna on the left, Priya in the middle and Shanti on the right with their chests stuck out. First Ratna came up to me and rubbed her nipples on my arm. She took my hand and placed it on her breast and squeezed it. It felt nice. The nipple was tight and erect like my dick.
Shanti came up and rubbed her globes on my other arm, taking my hand and putting it on her breast. Wow! Full, firm, big!
Priya came up to stand directly in front of me and took my hands from the girls breasts to place on both her breasts. I leaned over and kissed each of her delicious nipples. She shuddered but pulled my head up. She gave me one of her patented sweetheart kisses then stood back in line with the other two.
Priya asked still offering her breasts, “Which ones do you like best?”
I just shook my head. How do you give an honest answer without offending two out of three.
“Ratna, you have really nice breasts that fit your size perfectly. Shanti, your breasts are a playground. I could play there for hours. But Priya, your breasts are yours. They’re mine too. They’re what I know and love. I love your breasts. If you want bigger, firmer breasts, okay, but not for me, for you. You pick the size.”
All three of these over the hill, over sixty babes had tears in their eyes. Priya wrapped herself around me and kissed thoroughly, “You big dummy, I love you.”
“Anish you are so bad. We came over here to con you into letting Priya get bigger tits and you have us all crying,” Ratna said.’
“Yeah, we came over to play with you until you gave up and told her to do it,” Shanti was saying. “She didn’t even need us. But now I want to wrap you up and love on you for being so good to Priya all the time.”
I was still holding Priya, now cupping one of her nice big saggy breasts. She was hugging me back with one hand around my waist and was tugging at my zipper.
“Um, honey, Priya, Um why doncha wait a minute till the girls leave then we’ll talk about what you have in mind,” I pleaded blushing.
“S’matter Anish don’t you like an audience. Seems you’re always showin’ off at our parties. Maybe we wanna watch,” Ratna said snidely.
Priya didn’t help as she now had her hand in my pants holding onto my now very firm dick. “You were showing off with Shanti last Friday fucking her between her big tits, shooting your stuff all over her face. I want that. I want you between my tits squirting your stuff all over my face.”
Ratna went to her knees with her mouth open and tried to take my dick away from Priya’s grasp. Priya slapped Ratna’s hands, “Get away Ratna, he’s mine tonight. He only has one good shot and I’m going to get it.”
Shanti looked on in appreciation. “And he didn’t have to take a pill to get that way. Damn that’s so nice.”
“Thanks for your good intentions girls,” I said. “But as you can see, Priya and I have a date with a comfortable place to play. So, if you don’t mind, we’re going to leave you and take care of business.”
“Okay, Okay,” said Ratna, “so what size did you guys decide on, Mine or Shanti’s?”
Priya smiled at her buddies, “Neither, my new tits are gonna be big, giant tits that will sag from being so big. Now both of you, get.”
Ratna pulled her dress back on then buttoned up while Shanti put her T-shirt back on. The two gave us both hugs and kisses then left, leaving Priya and I as we went up the stairs to the bedroom.
Our clothes came off easily and we had the covers pulled down laying next to each other kissing and hugging when I asked, “Are you really going to get them so big they would be ugly?”
“No, no, they’re gonna be about Shanti’s size. I’m getting them with a built in milk supply so you can suck it out and I can squeeze it at you,” She was laughing, demonstrating how she would squeeze her new tits at me, trying to squirt milk she didn’t have at me.
When you have been with the same women for over thirty years, loving the same woman for those thirty plus years, making love to each other comes naturally. One second you’re holding each other and the next you are connected to each other thrusting and meeting each other in a practiced rhythm guaranteed to satisfy. I didn’t even have the opportunity to kiss Priya all over her luscious body, to kiss her breasts and make love to her nipples. I didn’t get a chance to kiss her special spots to make her wiggle and giggle. Our orgasm, our climax, our summit was instantly upon us. We gasped and panted while a shot into her with more vigour than usual as her pussy did the wonderful vibrating it was famous for.
We rolled apart still panting. Priya leaned up on an elbow with a hand under her head looking at me. With her other hand she reached down and brought up some fingers full of the gooey stuff I had put into her. She licked her fingers, raked some still gooey fingers across my lips.
Priya lovingly kissed me then looked at me with her mischievous grin, “Want desert?”
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